1989-1990 - Leta Andrew - Mentor to the Tourism Industry of P.E.I.
1990-1991 - Stephen P. Connolly Sr. - Mentor to Senior Citizens of P.E.I.
1991-1992 - Walt Wheeler - Mentor to Tourism and Senior Citizens.
1992-1993 - James Tesky - Mentor to Youth, Veterans and Seniors.
1993-1994 - Dr. J.H. O'Hanley - Mentor to the Medical Community and Children of P.E.I.
1994-1995 - Mary B. Coady - Mentor to Youth, the Sick and Needy
1995-1996 - Carter W. MacKenzie - Mentor to Family, Friends and the Community
1996-1997 - Helen MacDonald - Mentor to Education and Women
1997-1998 - Father Charlie Cheverie - Mentor to Education and Community
1998-1999 - Dr. William Temple Hooper - Mentor to the Medical Community and Oncology
1999-2000 - Father Francis Bolger - Mentor to University Education and PEI History
2000-2001 - Sybil Cutcliffe - Mentor to Community, Youth and Handicapped
2001-2002 - Hesta MacDonald - Mentor to Education and the Community.
2002-2003 - Dr. Kent Ellis - Mentor to Medicine and Community
2003-04 - Mr. Len Sirois - Mentor to Youth
2004-05 - Mr. Frank Ledwell - Mentor to University Education and Literature.
2005-06 - Rev. Ross Howard - Mentor to Community.
2006-07 - Dr. Ian MacQuarrie - Mentor to University Education and the Environment.
2007-08 - Dr. Bernice Bell - Mentor to Gerontology.
2008-09 - Dr. Margaret Munro - Mentor to Nursing and Education.
2009-10 - Marlene Bryanton - Mentor to Community, Youth and Handicapped.
2010-11 - Dr. Bud Ings - Mentor to Veterinary Medicine, and the Community.
2011-12 - Errol Laughlin - Mentor to his community and to military history.
2012-13 - Barbara Mullaly - Mentor in Athletic Administration and Wellness.
2012-13 - Dr. Donald Glendenning - Mentor in Education and Innovation.
2012-13 - Catherine Hennessey - Mentor in Heritage Protection and Preservation.
2013-14 - Albert 'Ab' Ferris Mentor to Accounting, Education and Public Service
2014-15 - Hon. Catherine Callbeck - Mentor to Women in Business and Politics.
2015-16 - Elizabeth Reagh - Mentor in Family / Elder Mediation and Law.
2016-17 - Lawson Drake - Mentor to UPEI Students & Faculty
2017-18 - Mary Hickey - Mentor to Education
2018-19 - Gary Schneider - Mentor to Island Ecology
2019-20 - Nora McCarthy-Joyce - Mentor to Mental Health, Indigenous Health, and Health Literacy
2021-22 - Dr. John VanLeeuwen - Mentor to Veterinary Medicine
2022-23 - Rosemary Curley - Mentor to Naturalists and Biologists
2023-24 - Roxanne Carter-Thompson - Mentor of Social Advocacy
Mentor Award Committee:
David Hooley, Chair
Rob DeBlois
Tom Wilkinson
Edna Reid
The Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty
2024-25 Mentor Award
In the fall of each year, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty honours a member of the Island Community who through exemplary contributions and service to society fulfills the distinction of being a mentor to our club, its members and society as a whole. The recipient is not a member of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty. Mentors have been a significant influence on the lives of others by the commitment they have demonstrated to their profession over the years.

- The process of nominating a Mentor
- A Tip Sheet for nominating
- Nomination Forms
- Instructions and deadline for sending in your nomination package
The Process of nominating a Mentor
Recognize a Mentor
Mentors play an important role in Island life. Mentors encourage and motivate others through their inspirational example as leaders in their vocation, coaches, volunteers, and supporters. Each year, since 1989, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty has honoured an Islander who, through their vocational contributions and service to society, fulfill the distinction of being a mentor to our Club, its members and society as a whole.
The recipient of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty Mentor Award is:
- Not a member of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty;
- An individual who has held a position of senior responsibility in their vocation and/or as a senior leader in a community advisory role;
- A person who has been a positive influence on the lives and/or careers of others through their commitment and excellence;
- An individual who demonstrates the ideals of Rotary in their vocation and/or community work: i.e. Rotary’s Motto: “Service above Self”
- An individual who, in their vocation and/or community work, exemplifies the ideals of Rotary as stated in Rotary’s 4 Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
Is it the Truth?
Will it be fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Will it be fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
- Willing to stand for nomination and participate in the celebration event that recognizes their contributions.
Note: Posthumous nominations will also be accepted.
Selection Process
All Islanders are encouraged to submit a nomination (form attached) recognizing a mentor in their vocation and/or community.
Nominations will be assessed by a committee of members of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Rotary and will be based on the submitted written nomination package.
Late or incomplete nomination packages and illegible forms will not be reviewed.
All nominee names are held in strict confidence. If a nominee is not selected, their name may be carried forward for consideration by the selection panel for three years.
The award will be presented during a special evening event providing an opportunity for Rotarians, family and friends of the recipient and former Club Mentors to join us in celebrating their contribution.
To submit a nomination fill out the annexed Nomination Form and send it together with all supporting documentation to the
Committee Chair, David Hooley at dhooley@coxandpalmer.com or by fax 902-566-2639.
The deadline for submitting nominations is October 1st, 2024.
Nomination Package Checklist
□ Nominee section (who you are nominating)
□ Nominator section (your contact information)
□ Reason for nomination
□ Include or attach letters of support or other materials
□ Email, fax or deliver the package by October 1st, 2024.
□ Nominator section (your contact information)
□ Reason for nomination
□ Include or attach letters of support or other materials
□ Email, fax or deliver the package by October 1st, 2024.
The Mentor Award will be presented at a Club dinner meeting on Thursday, November 14th , 2024.
Tip Sheet for Nominating a Mentor
Suggestions for making a nomination - Click here
Nomination Form
- In Fillable PDF format (can be filled out online, saved to your computer and e-mailed to dhooley@coxandpalmer.com)
- In PDF format - Print & fill in manually
- In Microsoft Word Format - Download, fill in, save to your computer and email