The purpose of Vocational Service is to promote excellence in vocations and support college students to start a business and become financially independent.
With our Mentor Award and the Harry MacLauchlan Award for Vocational Excellence, we recognize the exceptional service and contribution a member of our local community has made to society.
The True Rotarian Award is presented to a Rotarian who demonstrates through his/her Rotary and community life that he/she lives by the four-way test and provides 'Service Above Self'.
Our Holland College Business Plan Award rewards the entrepreneurial spirit of Holland College Business students.
On this page
The Mentor Award
The Holland College Business Plan Awards
The Harry MacLauchlan Award for Vocational Excellence
The True Rotarian Award
Mentor Award
In the fall of each year, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty honours a member of the Island Community who, through exemplary contributions and service to society, fulfills the distinction of being a mentor to our club, its members and society as a whole. The recipient is not a member of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty. Mentors have been a significant influence on the lives of others by the commitment they have demonstrated to their profession over the years.
For more information, click here
Holland College Business Plan Awards
Students from the Holland College Business Program complete a business plan as part of the academic requirements. The students have the option of completing the plan individually or in groups of two or three. The business plan is worked on throughout the year and undergoes several rewrites.
Some of the students show great initiative and go the extra mile by creating a logo/business cards, extra graphics, strong supporting documents, marketing layout, etc.
A committee comprised of Holland College staff and members of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty read the "top quality plans" to determine who really stepped up to the plate and put in that extra effort. Each year the committee reviews and selects the top three business plans. These students receive recognition for their business plans at a meeting of the Rotary club.
We would like to thank Brenda Compton and Shaun Patterson at Holland College for their support to the Business students.
Each year the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty honours one of its own members with the Harry MacLauchlan Award of Vocational Excellence. This award is presented to a club member, based on the criteria of:
- Adheres and promotes the highest ethical standards in their occupation
- Considers their vocation an opportunity to serve
- Contributes their vocational talents to addressing the needs of the community
- Offers his or her talents to provide opportunities for young people
- Improves the quality of life in their community
- Abides by the principles of the Rotary 4-Way Test in their daily business dealings
The late Harry MacLauchlan was a local business man and member of our Rotary club who exemplified the ideals of Rotary.
For more information, click here
True Rotarian AwardThe True Rotarian Award is presented to a Rotarian who demonstrates through his/her Rotary and community life that he/she lives by the four-way test and provides 'Service Above Self'.
The recipient is chosen by the Club Board of Directors and is presented by the District Governor during his/her visit to the club. The “True Rotarian” has a Rotary attitude. This is a person who conducts him/herself following the 4-way Test at all times, who is humble, does not flatter wealth or boast of his/her own possessions or achievements. This Rotarian speaks with frankness yet always with sincerity and sympathy. After having communicated his/her differences, he/she supports the activities of others even if the direction may not parallel with their thinking.
Deeds follow words, and this Rotarian thinks of the rights and feelings of others. This Rotarian always appears well in any company and is a person whose honour is sacred.
The “True Rotarian” is the foundation of Rotary – always there, contributing to the current Rotary activity and by any Rotarian’s measure, is the life blood of Rotary.
For information on the most recent recipient of this award, click here.